Clermont Spelling Bee Grades 3-6


Registration for the 2023 Clermont PTA Spelling Bee
is open through January 20, 2023!
The Spelling Bee is an opportunity for students to develop language skills and increase their vocabularies,
practice poise under pressure, strengthen life skills including work ethic, build confidence, and have fun!
There will be two Clermont PTA Spelling Bees:
Jr. Bee (Grades K-2) - February 10, 2023
Sr. Bee (Grades 3-6) - February 17, 2023
Both events will take place from 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM in the school cafeteria.
The top three finishers from the Jr. Bee will be invited to the Sr. Bee.
Every participant will receive a certificate and a small item.
The top speller in each grade will receive a medal.
The three top spellers in each Bee will receive a trophy.
Click HERE to register your student.
Click HERE for more information on the rules and study guides.
Please contact Jessica Hammersla, Coordinator, Clermont PTA Spelling Bee at
if you would like to volunteer to help with the Clermont PTA Spelling Bee or if you have any questions.

Friday, February 17, 2023 6:00pm